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Share Jesus Like It Matters (Paperback) Steve Gaines

Share Jesus Like It Matters (Paperback) Steve Gaines

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Have you ever been so excited about something that you had to share it with others? That's the way it should be with every Christian. We should be so enthusiastic about the fact that Jesus is our Lord and Savior that we cannot contain the good news. I remember the first person I ever led to Christ. He was a cafeteria worker at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes' camp in North Carolina. I was an eighteen-year-old college student, alone with this stranger, doing the best I could to share Jesus with him. Then came that moment when I asked if he would like to follow Jesus. My heart was beating rapidly when he answered, "Yes, I would." I then helped him call on the name of the Lord for salvation by leading him in a "sinner's prayer" through which he repented of his sin, believed that Jesus died for his sins and rose from the dead, and received Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Afterwards, I gave him a Bible and encouraged him to read a chapter a day in the Gospel of John. We prayed together, shook hands, and parted ways. I was on cloud nine! I'll never forget what it felt like to lead someone to faith in Jesus. It changed his life and mine. Nothing is more thrilling and fulfilling for a Christian than to lead a lost person to Jesus. That night, I asked the Lord to help me become a soul-winner. I have written Share Jesus Like It Matters for two reasons. First, I want to show you why you should share Jesus with lost people. Secondly, I want to show you how you can share Jesus with lost people. In the following pages you will learn how to identify, pray for, and share Jesus with non-Christians. I encourage you to commit to memory the Scripture verses listed in these chapters as well as the Gospel outline. You will learn how to intentionally, proactively, Scripturally, politely and verbally engage people with the Gospel. When that happens, you will see results. Some will reject Jesus. Others will accept Him. Regardless, your job is to give them the Gospel. Your witnessing will honor Christ, bless you, and change the lives and eternities of those with whom you share! Christian, it's time for you to win precious souls to Christ. It's time for you to Share Jesus Like It Matters!

March 2024

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