A Passionate Life (Lifeshapes) (hardcover) Mike Breen & Walt Kalestad
A Passionate Life (Lifeshapes) (hardcover) Mike Breen & Walt Kalestad
This 9-session Leader's Guide helps you introduce and guide your group through the LifeShapes and trade; materials, including the Teaching DVD and PowerPoint presentation found in the Small Group Resource Kit. The Leader's Guide features an introductory session as well as a session dedicated to each of the eight LifeShapes and trade;. As you reveal and explain these life-changing principles, your group will begin to understand that LifeShapes and trade; isn't about doing discipleship, it is about being disciples. LifeShapes and trade; will open the doors to a passionate faith that spills over into everything they do.
This Leader's Guide will help you facilitate the following interactions with your group:
- Class Discussions
- Individual Discussions
- Homework and Personal Applications
Accountability Management and mdash;Discussions regarding the application of the previous week's shape.
November 2023